
Samstag | 19. März 2022

<h2>Fr&uuml;hjahrskonzert</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>Programm</h4> <p>Bob Chilcott&nbsp; |&nbsp; The Making of the Drum<br>Erik Esenvalds&nbsp; |&nbsp; Stars<br>Morton Lauridsen&nbsp; |&nbsp; Nocturnes<br>&nbsp; - Sa nuit d' Et&amp;eacute<br>&nbsp; - Soneto de la Noche<br>&nbsp; - Sure on this Shining Night<br>&nbsp; - Epilogue: Voici le Soir</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>Mitwirkende</h3> <p>BachChor L&uuml;neburg</p> <p>Deborah Coombe&nbsp; |&nbsp; Leitung</p>




Bob Chilcott  |  The Making of the Drum
Erik Esenvalds  |  Stars
Morton Lauridsen  |  Nocturnes
  - Sa nuit d' Et&eacute
  - Soneto de la Noche
  - Sure on this Shining Night
  - Epilogue: Voici le Soir



BachChor Lüneburg

Deborah Coombe  |  Leitung