
Samstag | 16. Juni 2018 | 19 Uhr | Kirche Warnemünde

<h2>Chorkonzert</h2> <h4><strong>Programm</strong></h4> <p>Randall Stroope&nbsp; |&nbsp; Odysseus and the Sirens<br>Pietro Clausetti&nbsp; |&nbsp; L'ombra dei boschi d'Aser<br>Claudio Monteverdi&nbsp; |&nbsp; Ecco mormorar l'onde<br>Tom&aacute;s Luis da Vittoria&nbsp; |&nbsp; Ave Maria<br>Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina&nbsp; |&nbsp; Sicut cervus desiderat<br>Ko Matsushita&nbsp; |&nbsp; Ubi caritas<br>Eric Whitacre&nbsp; |&nbsp; Cloudburst<br>Ola Gjeilo&nbsp; |&nbsp; Northern Lights<br>Eriks Esenvalds&nbsp; |&nbsp; Stars<br>Eric Whitacre&nbsp; |&nbsp; Little Man in a Hurry<br>Eric Whitacre&nbsp; |&nbsp; The Seal Lullaby<br>Eric Whitacre&nbsp; |&nbsp; Little Birds<br>Morten Lauridsen&nbsp; |&nbsp; Sure on this shining night</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4><strong>Mitwirkende</strong></h4> <p>Hye Yeon Kim&nbsp; |&nbsp; Klavier<br>BachChor L&uuml;neburg</p> <p>Deborah Coombe&nbsp; |&nbsp; Leitung</p>



Randall Stroope  |  Odysseus and the Sirens
Pietro Clausetti  |  L'ombra dei boschi d'Aser
Claudio Monteverdi  |  Ecco mormorar l'onde
Tomás Luis da Vittoria  |  Ave Maria
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina  |  Sicut cervus desiderat
Ko Matsushita  |  Ubi caritas
Eric Whitacre  |  Cloudburst
Ola Gjeilo  |  Northern Lights
Eriks Esenvalds  |  Stars
Eric Whitacre  |  Little Man in a Hurry
Eric Whitacre  |  The Seal Lullaby
Eric Whitacre  |  Little Birds
Morten Lauridsen  |  Sure on this shining night



Hye Yeon Kim  |  Klavier
BachChor Lüneburg

Deborah Coombe  |  Leitung